Friday, April 10, 2009

First Road Block

When I was stocking up a few weeks back, I DID consider the cat's needs, I really did. I looked in her huge 5 gallon bucket of cat food and it was 3/4 full. No problem, I thought, she will sail right through April without any worries of going hungry...

Last night, we looked in her container and we have serious doubts that she will make it by the end of next week. WTF?? I'm convinced Bill must be snacking on her kibble during the day. How does a petite cat such as ours put away that much food in that short of time? She must be a stress eater.

So, our initial thought was, guess we have to go to the store and buy her food, there is no way we are going to let her go hungry. But this morning, I woke up and changed my mind. I refuse to be beaten this early on in the month by cat food.

I would rather beg than be beaten, so, to all my friends and future friends out there, if you have an extra bag of dry cat food that you are not using, let me know, I'll be more than happy to take it off your hands or we will trade you something, a service (I cut hair, Bill mows lawns, I can cook, I'll give you a microderabrasion treatment, an article of clothing (except my dirty underwear, you underwear sniffers can look elsewhere and Bill doesn't wear any). I can weed the garden or give you a nice massage. Think about what you want and we may be able to barter. Have a movie you want? Chances are, we have it in our dvd library, speaking of libraries, I have books, maybe you want a few books? I can also offer you up my opinion on something. Most people come to me when they want the stark truth with no frosting or flowers. I'll be happy to tell you your ass looks too fat in those pants, or that your girlfriend is a nasty tramp. I just need some cat food. Or rather, my cat needs some cat food. She will be very grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Did you find catfood? I don't have any to give, but I'm curious. Also, is it cheating if people just feel sorry for you (more like your child and cat) and "donate" stuff? Kinda like welfare - for or against???
